Nutribit App for iOS & Android

Track Your
Easily with Nutribit App

Your Complete Fitness Tracking Solution

Nutribit, the ultimate app for tracking every aspect of your fitness journey. From calories and meals to workouts, water intake, and sleep patterns, Nutribit helps you stay on top of it all.

Track food, count nutrients, stay healthy
Log workouts, burn calories, track progress
Track macros, achieve balance, stay fit
Stay hydrated, energize your daily life
Rest well, recharge, thrive every day
Boost energy, focus, and alertness quickly

Scan Barcode to Add to Your Meal

Easily track your meals by scanning the barcode of any food item! Nutribit automatically fetches the nutritional information, letting you add it to your meal plan in just seconds. Simplify calorie tracking and focus on your health goals with this quick and convenient feature.

Plan Your Meals with Precision

Take control of your diet with Nutribit’s advanced meal planning feature. Design your meals up to a month ahead, complete with detailed nutrient breakdowns. Stay on track with your health goals by ensuring every meal is balanced, personalized, and fits your lifestyle. Never guess your nutrition again—plan smarter, eat better!

Effortlessly Follow & Personalize Your Diet Plans

Effortlessly Follow & Personalize Your Diet Plans

Start following shared diet or day plans with ease! Adjust them to fit your unique nutrient needs and preferences. Plan ahead, personalize, and stay on track toward a healthier you.

Quickly Add & Track Your Planned Meals

Quickly Add & Track Your Planned Meals

Effortlessly add, track, and adjust your planned meals with ease. Customize quantities to match your goals and stay on top of your nutrition, all in one seamless experience!

Plan, Prep, and Savor Healthy Choices

Plan, Prep, and Savor Healthy Choices

Access tailored recipes for your planned meals, making preparation a breeze. Discover the joy of healthy eating with easy-to-follow steps and ingredients at your fingertips!

Share Sample or Your Day Plan with Friends

Share Sample or Your Day Plan with Friends

Inspire healthy habits by sharing sample or your personalized daily meal plans with friends. Motivate each other to eat better, stay fit, and achieve your wellness goals together!

Keep eyes on your Daily Macros & Micros

Stay on top of your health goals effortlessly by monitoring your daily macronutrient and micronutrient intake. Nutribit helps you visualize the essential nutrients your body needs, empowering you to make smarter food choices and achieve your diet goals seamlessly. Whether you're focusing on balanced nutrition, weight loss, muscle gain, or overall wellness, Nutribit simplifies the process, giving you the tools to stay informed and motivated every day.

Explore & Prepare Healthy Recipes

Discover a wide range of recipes tailored to your lifestyle—vegan, gluten-free, low-carb, or high-protein. Each recipe comes with step-by-step instructions, precise measurements, and detailed nutritional information, helping you make informed food choices.

Browse Healthy Recipes

Browse Healthy Recipes

Explore thousands of nutritious recipes and curated collections with detailed nutrient breakdowns to support your healthy lifestyle.

Pin & Share Recipes

Pin & Share Recipes

Save your favorite recipes or collections with a single tap and share them effortlessly with friends to spread the joy of healthy eating!

Download Nutribit App Now

Take control of your health journey with Nutribit! Track your calories, plan meals, log workouts, monitor water and sleep, and explore healthy recipes—all in one place.