Cucumber Raita (Maharashtrian-Style Koshimbir)

A healthy combination of vegetables and yogurt, this cucumber raita is rich in antioxidants, fiber, and probiotics, promoting digestive health and hydration. It also supports immune function and helps maintain healthy skin.

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Image of Cucumber Raita (Maharashtrian-Style Koshimbir) Recipe
10 Mins
Prep:10 Mins
Cook:0 Mins

1 bowl

For 2 people





Health Benefits

Promotes digestive health due to the probiotics in yogurt and fiber in vegetables.

Supports hydration and helps cool the body.

May aid in weight loss due to its low-calorie, nutrient-dense profile.

Can improve skin health with the antioxidants and vitamins in cucumber and tomato.

Contains healthy fats and nutrients from peanut powder.

120 kcal

in 129g









Sodium, Na:


Potassium, K:


Allergy Advice

This recipe contains Dairy Products, Peanuts. People with such allergies should avoid adding such ingredients or try to replace them with better choices.



1 cup Cucumber, Chopped

1 piece Tomato, Chopped

half cup Curd

1 teaspoon Sugar

Salt as per taste

quarter cup Peanut powder

1 tablespoon Oil

1 teaspoon Mustard seeds

6 pieces Curry leaves

2 pieces Green chillies, Chopped


For a spicier version, adjust the number of green chilies according to your preference.

Use fresh, firm cucumbers and ripe tomatoes for the best taste and texture.

Adjust salt and sugar according to your taste preferences.

Prepare the dish just before serving for the freshest flavor and texture.


In a medium bowl, combine the chopped cucumber, chopped tomato, and curd. Mix well to combine.

Add sugar, salt to taste, and peanut powder to the cucumber and tomato mixture. Mix everything together until well combined.

In a small pan, heat oil over medium heat. Add mustard seeds and allow them to crackle. Add curry leaves and chopped green chillies. Sauté for a minute until fragrant.

Pour the prepared tadka over the cucumber raita mixture. Mix everything together until well incorporated.

Serve the cucumber raita immediately as a side dish with your favorite meal. It pairs wonderfully with Indian flatbreads, rice dishes, and grilled proteins.


The dish is beneficial for promoting gut health due to its probiotic yogurt and fiber-rich vegetables.

The use of mustard seeds and curry leaves may support digestion.

Individuals with peanut allergies should avoid the dish or exclude peanut powder.

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Know more about Cucumber Raita (Maharashtrian-Style Koshimbir)

A typical serving 1 bowl of Cucumber Raita (Maharashtrian-Style Koshimbir) (129 grams) contains approximately 120 calories. The calorie count may vary based on the type and amount of ingredients used during preparation. It may vary based on your ingredients, cooking method or preparation.

The amount of fat in Cucumber Raita (Maharashtrian-Style Koshimbir) depends on the ingredients and preparation method. On average, one serving 1 bowl (129 grams) of Cucumber Raita (Maharashtrian-Style Koshimbir) contains approximately 7 grams of fat. You can reduce the fat content by using less oil or substituting with a healthier oil option. Want a low-fat version of Cucumber Raita (Maharashtrian-Style Koshimbir)? Check out Nutribit App for healthier tweaks and nutritional breakdowns!

The protein content in Cucumber Raita (Maharashtrian-Style Koshimbir) depends on the recipe and serving size. On average, 1 bowl of Cucumber Raita (Maharashtrian-Style Koshimbir) (about 129 grams) contains approximately 5 grams of protein. If you're customizing your Cucumber Raita (Maharashtrian-Style Koshimbir), consider adding ingredients with higher protein content.

The amount of sugar in an Cucumber Raita (Maharashtrian-Style Koshimbir) varies depending on the recipe and serving size. On average, 1 bowl (about 129 grams) contains about 6 grams of sugar. If you're looking to reduce sugar, try using less sweetener or opting for natural alternatives like honey or maple syrup in moderation. Want a healthier twist? Download Nutribit app for healthy alternatives or to track your calories.

The number of carbs in Cucumber Raita (Maharashtrian-Style Koshimbir) depends on the serving size and the recipe used. On average, 1 bowl (about 129 grams) contains about 10 grams of carbohydrates.

Cucumber Raita (Maharashtrian-Style Koshimbir) contains approximately 3 grams of fiber in 1 bowl (about 129 grams). The exact amount depends on the ingredients, quantity and preparation. Want a healthier twist? Opt for a whole-grain options to boost fiber content!

Absolutely! Making Cucumber Raita (Maharashtrian-Style Koshimbir) is easier than you might think, especially with a simple step-by-step provided in the Nutribit recipe. Whether you're a beginner or a seasoned baker, you can make a delicious Cucumber Raita (Maharashtrian-Style Koshimbir) with a few basic ingredients. Want to make it even easier? Try prepping the filling in advance or using a food processor for the crust. With just a little effort, you’ll have Cucumber Raita (Maharashtrian-Style Koshimbir) that’s perfect for any occasion!

Making a Cucumber Raita (Maharashtrian-Style Koshimbir) typically takes around 10 Mins.

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How to burn 120 calories?

The amount of exercise required to burn off 1 bowl Cucumber Raita (Maharashtrian-Style Koshimbir)

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0 steps

Average 2.3 ft stride

0 mins walk

5 km/hr or 3 mph

0 mins run

9 km/hr or 6 mph

0 mins cycling

General, no slope

The information provided is calculated based on the average height and the weight provided by you. Actual nutritional needs and results can vary depending on your specific height, weight, age, gender, and activity level. Always consult with a certified professionals or healthcare provider for dietary and exercise advice.