Marigold Tea

This aromatic infusion not only delights the senses but also offers a plethora of health benefits, from relieving menstrual cramps to nurturing skin and supporting eye health.

170 Ratings
176 made it
Image of Marigold Tea Recipe
9 Mins
Prep:2 Mins
Cook:7 Mins

1 cup

For 2 people





Health Benefits

Relieves Menstrual Cramps:Marigold tea is a natural remedy for menstrual discomfort, helping to alleviate cramps and reduce bloating.

Promotes Skin Health:Packed with antioxidants, this tea helps to combat skin irritation and promote a clear, radiant complexion.

Supports Eye Health:Marigold tea contains lutein and zeaxanthin, which are beneficial for maintaining optimal eye health and reducing the risk of eye infections.

Calming and Relaxing:Sip on this aromatic brew to unwind and de-stress after a long day, promoting overall relaxation.

Digestive Aid:Marigold tea can soothe the digestive system, easing discomfort and promoting healthy digestion.

Savor the natural goodness of Marigold Tea, a soothing blend that not only tantalizes your taste buds but also nourishes your body from within. With its array of health benefits, including relief from menstrual cramps, skin nourishment, and support for eye health, this delightful brew is a comforting addition to your wellness routine. Indulge in the warmth and wellness of Marigold Tea and embrace a healthier, happier you.



2 tbsp Marigold petals, Dried

2 cups Water


Boil 2 cups of water in a pot.

Add 2 tablespoons of dried marigold petals to the boiling water.

Let it simmer for 5-7 minutes.

Strain the tea into a cup.

Sweeten with honey or your preferred sweetener if desired.

Enjoy the soothing Marigold Tea!


Use organic marigold petals for the best flavor and maximum health benefits.

Adjust the strength of the tea by steeping for longer for a more robust flavor.

Store dried marigold petals in an airtight container away from direct sunlight to preserve their freshness.

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Know more about Marigold Tea

A typical serving 1 cup of Marigold Tea (undefined grams) contains approximately undefined calories. The calorie count may vary based on the type and amount of ingredients used during preparation. It may vary based on your ingredients, cooking method or preparation.

The amount of fat in Marigold Tea depends on the ingredients and preparation method. On average, one serving 1 cup (undefined grams) of Marigold Tea contains approximately undefined grams of fat. You can reduce the fat content by using less oil or substituting with a healthier oil option. Want a low-fat version of Marigold Tea? Check out Nutribit App for healthier tweaks and nutritional breakdowns!

The protein content in Marigold Tea depends on the recipe and serving size. On average, 1 cup of Marigold Tea (about undefined grams) contains approximately undefined grams of protein. If you're customizing your Marigold Tea, consider adding ingredients with higher protein content.

The amount of sugar in an Marigold Tea varies depending on the recipe and serving size. On average, 1 cup (about undefined grams) contains about undefined grams of sugar. If you're looking to reduce sugar, try using less sweetener or opting for natural alternatives like honey or maple syrup in moderation. Want a healthier twist? Download Nutribit app for healthy alternatives or to track your calories.

The number of carbs in Marigold Tea depends on the serving size and the recipe used. On average, 1 cup (about undefined grams) contains about undefined grams of carbohydrates.

Marigold Tea contains approximately undefined grams of fiber in 1 cup (about undefined grams). The exact amount depends on the ingredients, quantity and preparation. Want a healthier twist? Opt for a whole-grain options to boost fiber content!

Absolutely! Making Marigold Tea is easier than you might think, especially with a simple step-by-step provided in the Nutribit recipe. Whether you're a beginner or a seasoned baker, you can make a delicious Marigold Tea with a few basic ingredients. Want to make it even easier? Try prepping the filling in advance or using a food processor for the crust. With just a little effort, you’ll have Marigold Tea that’s perfect for any occasion!

Making a Marigold Tea typically takes around 9 Mins.

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