Sambar Masala

Indulge in the rich aroma and taste of homemade sambar masala, a quintessential spice blend in South Indian cuisine.

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Image of Sambar Masala Recipe
0 Mins
Prep:0 Mins
Cook:0 Mins

1 spoon

For 4 people





Health Benefits

Enhance your dishes with this homemade sambar masala recipe. Packed with aromatic spices, it offers numerous health benefits including aiding digestion and boosting immunity. Perfect for those seeking flavorful and nutritious meals.



half cup Coriander seeds

1 teaspoon Mustard seeds

2 tbsp Tur dal

2 tbsp Chana dal

2 tbsp Urad dal

1 tablespoon Cumin seeds

quarter teaspoon Fenugreek seeds

15 pieces Curry leaves

1 tablespoon Black peppercorns

20 pieces Red chillies

1 teaspoon Hing

1 tablespoon Turmeric powder


Store the sambar masala in an airtight container in a cool, dry place for longer shelf life.

Adjust the quantity of red chilies according to your spice preference.


Heat a pan over medium heat and add coriander seeds. Roast until fragrant.

Add mustard seeds to the pan and roast until they start to pop.

Now add tur dal, chana dal, urad dal, cumin seeds, and fenugreek seeds. Roast until dals turn golden brown.

Toss in curry leaves, black peppercorns, and red chilies. Continue roasting until the chilies turn crisp.

Let the roasted ingredients cool down to room temperature.

Transfer the cooled ingredients to a mixer grinder. Add hing and turmeric powder.

Grind everything into a fine powder.

Your homemade sambar masala is ready to use!

Serving Size: Approximately 150g masala.

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Know more about Sambar Masala

A typical serving 1 spoon of Sambar Masala (undefined grams) contains approximately undefined calories. The calorie count may vary based on the type and amount of ingredients used during preparation. It may vary based on your ingredients, cooking method or preparation.

The amount of fat in Sambar Masala depends on the ingredients and preparation method. On average, one serving 1 spoon (undefined grams) of Sambar Masala contains approximately undefined grams of fat. You can reduce the fat content by using less oil or substituting with a healthier oil option. Want a low-fat version of Sambar Masala? Check out Nutribit App for healthier tweaks and nutritional breakdowns!

The protein content in Sambar Masala depends on the recipe and serving size. On average, 1 spoon of Sambar Masala (about undefined grams) contains approximately undefined grams of protein. If you're customizing your Sambar Masala, consider adding ingredients with higher protein content.

The amount of sugar in an Sambar Masala varies depending on the recipe and serving size. On average, 1 spoon (about undefined grams) contains about undefined grams of sugar. If you're looking to reduce sugar, try using less sweetener or opting for natural alternatives like honey or maple syrup in moderation. Want a healthier twist? Download Nutribit app for healthy alternatives or to track your calories.

The number of carbs in Sambar Masala depends on the serving size and the recipe used. On average, 1 spoon (about undefined grams) contains about undefined grams of carbohydrates.

Sambar Masala contains approximately undefined grams of fiber in 1 spoon (about undefined grams). The exact amount depends on the ingredients, quantity and preparation. Want a healthier twist? Opt for a whole-grain options to boost fiber content!

Absolutely! Making Sambar Masala is easier than you might think, especially with a simple step-by-step provided in the Nutribit recipe. Whether you're a beginner or a seasoned baker, you can make a delicious Sambar Masala with a few basic ingredients. Want to make it even easier? Try prepping the filling in advance or using a food processor for the crust. With just a little effort, you’ll have Sambar Masala that’s perfect for any occasion!

Making a Sambar Masala typically takes around 0 Mins.

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