Sourdough Bread

Whole wheat sourdough is rich in fiber, which aids in digestion and helps maintain healthy blood sugar levels. The fermentation process enhances the availability of nutrients and reduces phytic acid, improving mineral absorption.

768 Ratings
308 made it
Image of Sourdough Bread Recipe
1 Day
Prep:1 Day
Cook:35 Mins

4 Pieces

For 6 people





Health Benefits

Improves Digestion: The natural fermentation process creates probiotics, which are beneficial for gut health.

Enhances Nutrient Absorption: Fermentation reduces phytic acid, allowing better absorption of minerals.

Supports Heart Health: Whole grains contribute to cardiovascular health.

Stabilizes Blood Sugar Levels: The low glycemic index of sourdough helps in managing blood sugar.

Boosts Immune System: Rich in antioxidants and vitamins, aiding overall health.

220 kcal

in 137g









Sodium, Na:


Potassium, K:


Sourdough bread is more than just a delicious treat; it’s a healthful addition to your diet. Made with whole wheat flour and a natural starter, this bread is rich in nutrients and easier to digest than conventional bread. The slow fermentation process enhances the bioavailability of vitamins and minerals, making it a nutritious choice for health-conscious individuals.



400 grams Whole wheat flour

340 grams Water

80 grams Sourdough starter

8 grams Salt


Use a digital scale for precise measurements.

Adjust the water slightly depending on your flour’s absorbency.

A longer fermentation time can enhance the bread’s flavor.

If new to sourdough, start with a more active starter.


In a large bowl, combine 400 grams of whole wheat flour and 340 grams of water.Mix thoroughly until no dry flour remains. Cover and let it rest for 30 minutes (autolyse).

After the autolyse, add 80 grams of sourdough starter and 8 grams of salt to the dough.

Mix until the starter and salt are fully incorporated. Use a stretching and folding method for about 5 minutes.

Cover the bowl and let the dough ferment at room temperature for 4-6 hours, performing a set of stretch and folds every 30 minutes during the first 2 hours.

After the bulk fermentation, transfer the dough to a lightly floured surface.

Shape the dough into a tight ball. Place it in a proofing basket lined with a floured cloth, seam side up.

Cover and refrigerate for 8-12 hours for the final proof.

Preheat your oven to 450°F (230°C) with a Dutch oven inside.

Carefully transfer the dough to the preheated Dutch oven. Score the top with a sharp knife.

Bake for 20 minutes with the lid on, then remove the lid and bake for an additional 15 minutes until the crust is deep golden brown.

Let the bread cool on a wire rack before slicing.


Individuals with celiac disease or severe gluten intolerance should avoid sourdough bread unless made from gluten-free flour.

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Know more about Sourdough Bread

A typical serving 4 Pieces of Sourdough Bread (137 grams) contains approximately 220 calories. The calorie count may vary based on the type and amount of ingredients used during preparation. It may vary based on your ingredients, cooking method or preparation.

The amount of fat in Sourdough Bread depends on the ingredients and preparation method. On average, one serving 4 Pieces (137 grams) of Sourdough Bread contains approximately 1.5 grams of fat. You can reduce the fat content by using less oil or substituting with a healthier oil option. Want a low-fat version of Sourdough Bread? Check out Nutribit App for healthier tweaks and nutritional breakdowns!

The protein content in Sourdough Bread depends on the recipe and serving size. On average, 4 Pieces of Sourdough Bread (about 137 grams) contains approximately 8 grams of protein. If you're customizing your Sourdough Bread, consider adding ingredients with higher protein content.

The amount of sugar in an Sourdough Bread varies depending on the recipe and serving size. On average, 4 Pieces (about 137 grams) contains about 2 grams of sugar. If you're looking to reduce sugar, try using less sweetener or opting for natural alternatives like honey or maple syrup in moderation. Want a healthier twist? Download Nutribit app for healthy alternatives or to track your calories.

The number of carbs in Sourdough Bread depends on the serving size and the recipe used. On average, 4 Pieces (about 137 grams) contains about 45 grams of carbohydrates.

Sourdough Bread contains approximately 6 grams of fiber in 4 Pieces (about 137 grams). The exact amount depends on the ingredients, quantity and preparation. Want a healthier twist? Opt for a whole-grain options to boost fiber content!

Absolutely! Making Sourdough Bread is easier than you might think, especially with a simple step-by-step provided in the Nutribit recipe. Whether you're a beginner or a seasoned baker, you can make a delicious Sourdough Bread with a few basic ingredients. Want to make it even easier? Try prepping the filling in advance or using a food processor for the crust. With just a little effort, you’ll have Sourdough Bread that’s perfect for any occasion!

Making a Sourdough Bread typically takes around 1 D.

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How to burn 220 calories?

The amount of exercise required to burn off 4 Pieces Sourdough Bread

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0 steps

Average 2.3 ft stride

0 mins walk

5 km/hr or 3 mph

0 mins run

9 km/hr or 6 mph

0 mins cycling

General, no slope

The information provided is calculated based on the average height and the weight provided by you. Actual nutritional needs and results can vary depending on your specific height, weight, age, gender, and activity level. Always consult with a certified professionals or healthcare provider for dietary and exercise advice.